Veneto Paving Sealer

Horizon International, stocks and recommend paving sealer products suitable for each of the Terrazzo Veneto ranges of paving products. It is important to realise not all paving sealers are created equal and not all paving sealers are suitable for all pavers.

When a liquid is spilt on a paver or grout surface that has a degree of water absorption, a stain can result almost instantly as the reaction time to clean is short to zero! Sealing these same paver or grout surfaces significantly reduces the degree of water absorption increasing the reaction time to clean and remove these contaminants before a stain can occur.


GuardIT Dense Stone Sealer

The main types of damage that sealers can help limit are:

  • Surface staining (especially from normal household contaminants)
  • Salt damage (by reducing the amount of waterborne salt intrusion)
  • Below surface chemical damage
  • Frost damage (by reduction of water penetration)
  • Mould and Mildew damage

The sealing range recommended by Horizon is the Guardit Sealing range, featuring a Drylook sealer and a Enhancing sealer. Both sealer are penetrating sealer that will provide protection from staining and assist in long term maintenance/cleaning of Horizon products. The choice between wet or dry is mainly aesthetic.

The Guardit range of paving sealers was designed specifically for the Veneto ranges of paving and for New Zealand conditions.

A Bragatto Paver part sealed part wet sealed,

The image above shows the Veneto Pastelli Bragato paver with the addition of the two Guardit Sealers. The image shows the aesthetic difference the the use of a wet or a dry sealer on a Veneto Pastelli Bragatto Paver.

Paving Sealers & Slip Resistance

Guardit Penetrating paving Sealers do not change the natural slip resistance of the stone or tile surface. In contrast coating/surface sealers can alter the natural slip resistance. The following article discusses the relationship between sealers and slip resistance in more detail.